Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Excuse me while I have a party!!!

I FINALLY figured out how to post a pic with my profile...
but I had to edit the poop out of the pic to get it to fit!
"Big hair...that's the problem, it's ALWAYS been my problem! LOL!


kd said...

Please tell me how - cause I've been trying...

Mayden' s Voyage said...

The problem is that the photo has to be smaller than 50kb...which is very small.
On the "Edit me/update profile" section of the blog thtere is a place where you can add a URL link of a photo (and your own blog can be the link!)...I could figure out all of that...but the pic was always to large. Today I finally figured out how to know exactly how many pixels were in my photo and kept cropping to get it down.
Come over one day and I will show you...this is definitely one of those times where it is hard to expalin, but easy to show you in person! :) And we are lucky to live not too far apart! :) Done any knitting lately? :) Mom in love is knitting swimsuit cover ups with cotton knitting material! I will have to get started on one soon!

Helene said...

hehehe I read the first comment and I thought she meant tell her how to get big hair! lmao!

I would love to have big hair... I actually have to tease it to just look 'flat' and not matted to my head! really!! lol

Thanks for commenting... It really meant a lot that you related to my woes... sometimes I feel like I am sharing and it is jsut being self obsorbed... its nice when someone relates!

cheers! K

PS for me the hardest thing is to figure out how to link other blogs to my site... I followed the directions, but ended up totally changing the site where my bio info was at the bottom! lol... I am such a dinosaur!

Malinda777 said...

Hey...I like your big hair. I'm originally from Texas, and while I don't do a lot with my hair, MOST southern women have big hair. That's like home to me :)

Lady Prism said...

I've been trying with the pic as well..sigh!...

ey' I have yet to make a decent comment on your recent post...but before I do..I just want to say that you look really great in this pic..like that pretty doll I used to have when I was a child...I like the color of your hair.

And I have big hair as well ( if I just let it be)..and the hotter the weather is..the bigger it somehow gets. I blowdry it to set it straight..and we have lots ov' parlors here that can straighten hair in a million ways....but they can't do anything about mine coz' the strands are baby fine...can't stand chemicals...I usually just tie my hair..sigh!

So, even if you think it's big...it's the pretty kinda' big...

Mayden' s Voyage said...

Malinda, and Prism...you are so sweet! :)
The hair is definitely a southern thing..and some days I feel like I am stuck in the 80's! I don't care! I love the hair! :)
THe only downside will be in my 70's...I will have to get one of those Dolly Parton (Queen of hair! LOVE HER!) wigs to cover the gray! :)