Friday, March 24, 2006

To disney and back again...

The kids were gone for a week...and thankfully they are home now and life has returned to normal.

They had every experience a kid at Disney should have: Meeting chararcters they love, eating with Cinderella, riding exciting rides, buying trinkets that fall apart within 36 hours of purchase, staying at a cool hotel, and coming down with a stomach bug that kept them tossing cookies (and everything else!) for about 2 days!!!

But, from the looks of things, they had a wonderful time!

Kids are like that...and I could be more like them too--take the good with the bad.
Enjoy the wonderful things that come my way and stop looking at the stuff I can't change and can't fix.

I am trying! Enjoy the photos...there are about 120 in all, but only a few will make it on MV!

Hope each of you have a wonderful weekend!

1 comment:

Malinda777 said...

Wow, your mom looks so much like mine. Glad the kids had a great trip.