I read this article-
"A better Nation Through Education"
Well, yes, of course- this is the premise of schooling children from age 6 until 18.
The idea that all children should be educated in the basics of Math, Language, Science and History- whether in a public or private environment to better our society.
However, this man wants things like Compassion and Kindness to be taught in school.
Oh- it sounds good.
My kid's elementary school has had a "Virtue" of the month for years now- and they have a program called "Caught being good"- where students who are "caught" going the extra mile in clean up, or helping another student, get tagged by a teacher and get to have a special celebration. There is a celebration every month.
I think this is fine, it boosts morale, and it does reward good behavior- but only on the surface.
What about doing good for it's own sake? What about being kind as a way of life?
Where is this taught?
Are we to depend on teachers for knitting the moral fiber of our kids as well as instructing them on how to add, and spell, and memorize important dates in History?Ummm- excuse me...are parents responsible for nothing???
Everytime I meet a new Teacher for my kids- I tell them the same thing..."If you have problems with him/her- call me. I will back you up."
If my kids were disrespectful to a teacher and it got back to me-
I'd- well, actually, that has NEVER happened to me.
Know why? You know why!
Momma don't play that!
Nor do I let my kids listen to anything they want on the radio, or watch anything they want on TV, or play video games all day- even on vacation I limit TV and game time.
I do not let my kids "talk back" to me- or say ugly things to each other...and I sure don't let them push anyone around.
And you know what- it shows in all the things they do. They know how to be respectful, good and kind because I SET THE EXAMPLE!!!
I know there are kids with great parents and real problems. I also know there are great kids with royal screw-ups for parents- and those parents need to have their butts kicked.
I love teachers. They have an important job, but not more important than the job that I have of being MOM. If I do my job right- the teachers can focus on teaching- both through their broad educational background, and by their own example.
Here's a program that might really make a difference-
A Better Nation Through better Parenting"
Can I get an Amen?
INVESTing in your child...with your time, love, patience, kindness, and ATTENTION is the greatest cure for what ails our country- and then, invest yourself in the lives of your kids friends.
And send a goodie to your kids teacher every now and then- remember- you are setting an example~