This is roughly where we'll be. (Crystal Coast/Atlantic Beach/Emearald Isle NC)
We'll have our USMC hats on...well see where it gets us! LOL
Hope you all have a great weeekend~
My name, Cora, means Maiden, and we are all on a journey-hence "Mayden's Voyage" I am a writer, mom, sister, daughter, and friend. I've been a blogger since 2006 and have met the most amazing people in the world because of it. "What you say- IS what will happen." I am a firm believer in the power of words...both my own and yours. ♥
My birthday in May marked my 30th anniversary of keeping a diary/journal. It's fun to go back and read what I was doing 20 years ago...
Want a peek? The closest entry was June 22nd-
"...I didn't exactly get the guy- he was awfully shy. Lord, so much has happened. There's nothing much between Dave and I. I like a guy named Donny at the club, but I doubt it will work. A man named Carter likes me...I think." (I have no idea who the shy guy was, and Dave was in the Army. Donnie did not work out at all. Carter was a mistake- he was- 40...ick)
The last boyfriend I would have (before T) showed up the next day- and we had a lovely summer whirl-wind romance. LOL- I haven' t thought about him in a while. He was wonderful- and if he hadn't gone to North Dakota to go to school in the fall...well, never mind, he did go to ND- and T came back into my life. That is that.
I'm going to step away for a while- except I am going to make a video for Chesca (Kiss on my list, by Hall and Oates) :)
I owe X, and Susan, K-9, Roxann, and Chesca an email. I want to send out cards to some of you too...but with the kids out of school it seems like I run out of daylight and energy long before I should. Mono is running it's course through my neck of the woods- hope I don't have that! (surely not~)
Cadence is still in the hospital- and when I have an update about her- I'll post it- I promise.
Mid-July is when school is back in session- and I'll be sketchy with the blog until then. I will be reading up on you though! I also hope to get some writing of my own done...just not on Mayden's Voyage~
Hubbs said, (about the milk)
So CLOSE.....and yet SO far!!!!
LOL! I watched the sun set...and then took a few pics of my favorite places at home.
This is the view from the bench- so I can look at all the Lillies I've favorite flowers-I need to weed and pull those monsterous shrubs out!