Wednesday, October 28, 2009


In my verdant lush summer garden- I discovered several creatures who had taken up residence. Everything seemed to thrive in my green little corner, and I took a bit of delight in observing the frogs, plants, and 8 legged crawlers who had made a home in the space I cultivated for myself.

One spider in particular was a lovely brown fatty. She was in the process of ensnaring a fellow creature when I spied her. She was wrapping him up in a tight silky bundle for a lovely snack later. I watched her intently.

In an instant-- it occurred to me she was oblivious about such things as the BMI index, or how many grams of protein she could consume in a day, and I am fairly sure the idea of eating broccoli never crossed her mind.
She had NO idea how fat she was.
And for a moment I was jealous.

Jealous of a spider.


Bad Bob said...

Just remember that the spider has no compassion, love or conscience either....

Mayden' s Voyage said...

Bad Bob- I'm not sure if your comment made me less jealous, or more...
Hope things are well with you :)

Helene said...

lol ok thats a first.. I havent ever heard of someone being jealous of a spider! lmao (well there IS that Black Widow complex some women have... lol)

My garden is full of leaves and half dead plants... too depressing to even go peek at! =[

Libby said...

OMG! lol @ helene's comment!
yeah, that is one FAT spider! obviously, one that nobody would ever want to step on...can you imagine the goo on your shoe??

Anonymous said...

but m...

think of the pantyhose...

× × ×


Skunkfeathers said...

Allow me to sound like a sexist pig here for a mo'...amusing that the fat arsed arachnid IS female; telling it it's butt is getting fat with send it in tears from the web, and the ACLU (Arachnid Courtesy Liberties Union) will be petitioning you for an apology and sensitivity training.

And don't even DARE commenting on the four pair of mismatched pumps she had to settle for, 'cuz the was a sale at Famous Webwear...

*bowing head for BONK now*

dianne said...

Don't be jealous Mayden faire, she only lives to hunt, reproduce and raise her offspring...her 'web world' is small and where she decides to spin her next home...think of all of the wonderful things you have, that are missing in her small world. ♡

Bad Bob said...

Hmmm I was married to a woman once whom I thought had no love compassion or consience. I think she was a black widow reincarnated. My point of view is that I would rather have emotions, even though they can hurt, but you could look at it both ways. I didn't. Just goes to show that I have no idea of how women think. LOL

Mayden' s Voyage said...

Helene, I still have a few tomatoes trying to push on until November, but they will give up after the first good frost, which will happen soon. Then I have to cut everything down :( But I look forward to next spring :) ♥

Libby- lol- I watched the spider, but had no intention of stepping on her! But, ewww- they are everywhere it seems this fall!

/t...hmmm- pantyhose? I usually avoid them if at all possible, but in Nov I will be dressed to impress at a family wedding- stockings and all :) Might post a pic of that ;)

Skunk- I was going to try to reply with something witty...but no comment can do yours justice. LOL- just know I laughed and I send a hug :)

Dianne~ Of course you are right ♥, she was rather alone on her web, except for her prey, and I am- thankfully- very blessed with good friends on the "web" and in day to day life :)

Your point is well made, and I feel you understand women a little better than you think. Of course my moment of fleeting jealousy was a bit selfish and a reflection on my own poor self image. The spider was oblivious to her size- and the idea that she had no pressure on her to be skinny seemed amazing to me.
I'm struggling with this issue now so that's why I was a little jealous. However, I think you know me well enough (in this limited way) that I would not be me without love, compassion, or a conscience. Sadly, I forget to show those 3 principals to myself, but I will work on that ♥

Bone said...


Those are some good lookin' 'maters. I think I have melon-envy.

Mayden' s Voyage said...

Honestly I had one of the best bunch of tomatoes I've ever grown this year! I'd say between the 3 plants there were over 300 tomatoes this summer. :)
Melon envy huh? grrrhahahaha! You have no idea! :)

sparringK9 said...

grrrrrrrhahahahaha and look how lovely she is! we are in agreement here sweet mayden.

Lady Prism said...

That's a pretty spider! ^_^