Saturday, January 31, 2009

I promise- you can not believe how funny this is!

I went to bed having seen a beautiful sunset last night, and my good friend was close by, but there's an element of sadness I feel which I've been having trouble getting away from. It's been a hard year full of tough things- some very private, and some I've been public about. This morning as I watched the tide roll out with the sunrise I was determined to focus on the positive things in my life and not let the ache take hold of my heart today.
4 things happened-

First, a beloved friend sent me the funniest off the wall text I've gotten in ages. There was no way at all my friend could have known how much I needed to laugh at that EXACT moment- and kept me laughing most of the morning.

Second, my girlfriend kept up the hilarity at breakfast as we created our "Anti-Cross Pollination Manifesto". Don't ask what it means- only we understand it and will probably go to our graves with it's secrets firmly tucked in our bra's, or something ;)

Third, I actually had time to visit with some of you- which was wonderful- and I'm not done making my rounds.

Fourth, this video. It is honestly one of the funniest things I've seen in ages. I cried (from laughing) when I watched it. LOL-
Probably because it reminds me of my own life.

So far, what could have been a difficult day, has turned out rather well. Not perfect, but good, and the day is not over yet...I'm going to mix up a Martini VERY soon ;) Too bad you won't get to see any of that on video- but I do have an appearance to keep up! lol


Anonymous said...

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Skunkfeathers said...

I was gonna say, "yeah, what /t. said", but danged if I know what /t. said ;-) Other than that he said it in a multiplicity of triplicate...

So I'll just send you a friend-to-friend *HUG* and keep that positive wave rolling, Mayden.

darkfoam said...

yeah ..
what /t. said .. ;)
+ one more .. <3

Anonymous said...

Interesting that you should be at the ocean and reflect on past events. The ocean, where water rolls and rolls, the perfect imagery of Life. Constantly changing minute by minute. We never know what the tide will bring next, rough seas or calm waters. So we adapt only to have the water change around us...a vicious cycle. But sink or swim we must. And it is good that you have found a tide pool to find a bit of respite.

My hope for you is that you dance across the changing tides on your voyage. May the wind be at your back and smooth sailing ahead, Fair Mayden!

NYD said...

/t. sure has a way of getting his message across.
Keep up the laughter and good cheer. I think that we all have a lot more to smile about than we realize.

X. Dell said...

Frankly, I've always been against polination segregation. So I'm afraid I'm of no help to you.

Lady Prism said...

ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!...hee! hee!

Anonymous said...

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