With the knowledge my right hand will be of little use to me after the carpel tunnel surgery next week- I've been trying to see what I can and can NOT do with my left hand...I mean, there are people who have lost limbs via accidents and injuries who play basket ball, and play drums, and cook, and make beautiful paintings holding a paint brush in their teeth for heaven sake! Surely this minor surgery will not be a big deal for me?
The results are comical and somewhat humiliating. I can brush my hair, and my teeth, and put on most items of clothing. However, a bra is going to be tricky. For fun I tried on a sports bra one handed and it worked out ok- but it's amazing how much twisting and jiggling, and adjusting is necessary to make it fit properly with TWO working hands- much less one. I'm sure I would have won a "funniest video" award if it had been on tape...thank GOD it IS NOT on tape!
Buttoning blue jeans is right out. Blow drying my hair is almost impossible. Putting on mascara with my left hand is tedious. Making tea (thankfully) is no problem. Opening items with a twist off top requires me to sit down and use my legs as vice to hold whatever needs to be opened. Texting left handed is a hoot! (if you have free texting, text me- I'll gladly email you my number). I'm a rabid texter with both hands and I can write paragraphs easily in a matter of seconds, but left handed my answers look like a 2nd grader got my phone and started drinking.
Text from daughter: Mom, what are we having for dinner?
My answer, left handed: Wwe 3e having trky w greebeans. Ughhhhhb
Something about the "alt" key makes the letters A and R the number 3. Don't try to understand it, but trust me, it's a disaster when I text left handed. A touch screen phone would be a big help- but I'm not sure that's in the budget right now.
Of course I won't be driving for several days after surgery- so I won't be a menace on the road. Showering is ok, but washing my hair will take extra time. I'm thinking I just need to go to the beauty college for a cheap wash, dry, and style. Maybe they will do something jazzy with my barbie hair? I'm sure by Friday after surgery I'll be happy with anything they want to do. (the friend who does my hair lives about 20 minutes away, and I'm not going to be up for the drive- but the beauty college is 2 miles from my house).
I am, thankfully, proficient at all other bathroom requirements. 'Nough said about that!
I tried writing the alphabet with my left hand...then a complete paragraph. It's mind blowing how perfectly well I know how to write letters and form words, and how idiotic and elementary my handwriting looked when I was finished. I would have guessed it was written by a 7 yr old if I hadn't written it myself. AND to make matters worse- I couldn't focus on the content of what I was trying to write because I was focusing so hard on HOW I was forming each letter and word. It was maddening. I will not be signing any checks, or sending cards with handwritten notes for a while after surgery. (unless I can sign the card as if it was from my 6 yr old nephew Asher :)
Cooking is a slow and arduous affair with one hand. Cleaning is too. Playing Angry birds kind of stinks left handed! (Poor me- not!). Using the remote for the TV is a skill I have mastered, as well as opening Dove chocolates, sipping hot tea, reading my Kindle (and other books), and feeding my bunny. It looks like I have all the important stuff figured out :)
For fun, try not to use your dominate hand for just 15 minutes during your day. I was going to say try not to use it all day, but that seems unfair. Just 15 minutes. (Hint, open the wine bottle before you start the 15 minute exercise- you will be glad you did- lol!)
I can not complain. This will be a temporary set back and will make my life better when it's over. I'm sure the real adventure will be even more interesting (like putting in and taking out my contact lenses- I haven't tried that one yet), but I probably won't blog about it much---I hate having to hunt and peck! But who knows- I might! :)