Sunday, April 24, 2011

MaydenAmerica Chicka-- Haiku

Golden tiny fluff of love
one tooth glossy eyes scattered shell emerge
cocks head fluffs wings perfection


dianne said...

Very cute image dear Mayden, also your haiku ... Happy Easter!

xoxoxo ♡

Kymical Reactions said...

fluffy chicks! My favorite kind. Wonderful.

Unknown said...

Another beautiful Haiku, there is no way to love nature, and as such this beautiful.
Greetings .-...

X. Dell said...

I would say your tiny, but you don't really come across as the fluffy kind.

Very nice, actually.

Mayden' s Voyage said... always know the right thing to say. Hugs friend- I was reading your blog the other day about the CoG, and it was to disturbing for me to comment on, and then it seemed inappropriate for me to just say "Hey! Thinking of you!"- but I should have :) I've missed you- hope you are having a good week.

sparringK9 said...

the sweetest haiku ever. after bees, come chicks, correct? have a blessed weekend, Sunny.

Anonymous said...

aha ha ha -- cute

and hoping you had a wonderful easter
are staying well clear of bad weather

× × ×


Bad Bob said...

I really like your blog
Your words always mean much to me
Please write it more often

J Cosmo Newbery said...

Happy Birthday, Fair Mayden. (Melbourne time, of course.)

X. Dell said...

I'm gonna leave the poetry to you experts. The only meaningful thing I can say: pretty haiku.