(I copied this from Lux on FB :)
"The past does not equal the future. Because you may have failed a moment ago, all day today, or for the last six months,or for the last sixteen years,or for the last fifty years of your life - doesn't mean anything.
All that matters is....
what are you going to do NOW?"~ Anthony Robbins
Since you writ this yesterday, making tomorrow today, what I'm gonna do is go to UPS and get some CDs and no-bakes on their way to y'all ;-)
Don't worry about the past either since we can't change it.
What I'm going to do now, is try to get some parents in here to try to convince a couple of kids that failing all your classes is not a good thing. Then I'll probably have to suspend a couple off the bus for a week or so.
I am ready for a lottery win.
I want to see the skies so blue again ~sigh~
Beautiful picture... Wise words.
I think, I'm going to run to Costa Rica, and eat pineapple. ;)
Great post! I wish you could follow up to this topic!!!
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Hmm. I'm wondering what Anthony Roberts is doing now.
It's when you take the same approach to a problem over and over expecting a different result is when you are in deep trouble.
Merry Christmas Fair Mayden!!
all best in the new year, mayden
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Hello there!!
I was actually having tea and pouring in honey then thought of you! :))
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